Good ol'Limewire

Dear Crossfire.

I have been in-active for some time. A long time. Probaly to long for you guys to think im dead. There was a time where i checked this site 2, 3 times per hour ( spamming around with swas just to get your post count up hehe ) but that activity got replaced with in my opinion more important things such as having a RL also known as REAL LIFE hanging out with friends etc. So bassicly see this piece of text as an excuse for those who had missed me and want to know where i have been.

Warning: I don't know if people already know about this so i will remove this tutorial as soon as its clear that i re-invented the wheel. I also risk a ban from our lovly admins at xfire because this is probaly hax related. But i dont really care. Lots of grammer mistakes to !

I was sitting behind my desk thinking about a tutorial on how to crack random FTP servers that i read a while ago and the method they used ( read more about this over here ).
So i came up with the idea to download msn logs using limewire and its powerfull search engine ( Yes, some people are stupid enough to have them shared ).


__Startup Limewire
Open Picture

__Search Documents
Open Picture

__Search for ' * '
Open Picture

K, now you find alot of messages. Yes these are all msn logs free for you to download and read trough.

You can always rightclick on a file and go to 'Browse Host' ( i have a dutch version so its bladeren host ) to get acces to this user shared files to download even more of his/her msn logs
Open Picture

Have fun don't abuse to much :) Im leaving the xfire commnunity now, byebye
shoutout to everyone i knew over here !
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