
This is my journal...i write what i like...

Anyway...i finished school today. We all had leavers books signing like crazy and getting our shirts all written on which kinda tickled...

Only back for exams now...but i am free..although it does feel kinda weird.... to you all!!!

P.s - Things to do....
1) Get pissed and watch the Arsenal vs Barca match.
2) Meet the legend that is rG from Reason Gaming (2nd-4th June)
3) Goto a wedding in london (16th-19th June)
4) Meet another legend a.k.a Foonr (19th June/July)
5) Find out what my next stage is (June/July)
6) Holiday Porta Rico (22nd July - 6th August)
7) Wedding (7th August)
8) Doss Around...
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