DnC vs CyC - match report

Since I can't add any comments on CB page about our last OC match, I'll put one here.

DnC vs CyC

1st map: Adlernest

DnC started as Allies. Two first attacks were easily held by CyC. Controls was planted at 13:30 and defence moved strictly around Document room. Every attack from CP led closer and closer to documents, thanks to fast revives and some nice shooting. Cyc had good spam but couldnt gib enough so 6-man-attack was succesful for DnC. Cyc got defence up in transmitter room immidiately. Documents waited for things to calm down and it wasn't long until path was clear.
Time was set around 6 mins.

Cyc had good aggressive tacs and our def was pretty messed up time to time. No plant was succesful until 3 minutes. After a few attempts Cyc was coming to documents but game crashed for me and some others, dunno how that affected the outcome. Parts were brought back couple of times very near transmitter.

First map was exciting, chaotic and spiced up with some heavy tks. GG.

2nd map: Radar

CyC started as Allies. Their first attack to Main entrace was pretty good. They managed to capture flag and plant the Main door just like that. Our defence at CP lasted very long so CyC was to tomble down on some random xfire at main.
7 mins on clock CP was contructed. Attacks came from the back of west parts. Game was intense smg fragging, maybe bad luck or stuff it was full def for DnC.

We choose to go for CP and it was up and beeping 9:20 left on clock. Most of CyC selfkilled just when I was near West parts so there was only one medic to stop us. DnC took time 5:15 and a 4-0 victory.

Teams were equal, thanks for game.
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