guild wars again

after a long long time of about 3-4 months not being able to play et properly (fuck pb ya rly) i just want to kinda present 1 of my gw chars (my main char) since i plan to stop playing gw and come back to et / et qw again. should be some kind of tribute to 4 months of work on the char
the guys that never played gw: just dont read the journal and dont care
the guys that played it: if u dont care also, dont read, if u care, give senseful comments pls

it's a perfectly equipped lvl 20 (wow :P) necro having unlocked all skills and possessing perfect staffs for blood magic, death magic, and curses
armor is mixed of arms and torso of fow (fissure of woe) armor and legs and feet of prestige luxon armor. total ingame money i put in the char is about 4000k gold or 4000 platinum
i possess the titles "mighty hero" (from playing pvp), "guardian of cantha", "guardian of tyria", "drinker" and "cartographer of tyria" (for exploring over 90% of the world)
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