
well we are not new but we just started to geting organised. we were something liek greek mix :)
we play liek 1 or maybe 2 pract per week so our tp sux and we are not "med+" as most clans today. we stole some Netherlands FA player and here we are :

lineup :

Greece/Sweden Lwo ( teh efterlyst nerd )
Greece Presbyter ( teh "grandpa"...really he is sooo old)
Greece/Canada Greko ( blame canada...)
Greece Alexander ( mr i make more tks that frags with my rifle btw he is not the one in bio)
Greece Sandman (i am rambo i dont #care about others+pakistani lover )
Greece/Italy Immortal-coleader( dr-gynecologist , ask for tips )

backup cause of 300 ms atm ( #whine)

Greece Icaros ( i always whine about greek connections)

sometimes as standin-guest start

Netherlands Loek!no ( famous spammer )

our achivments so far :

playoffs in meditcup
having Hungary 141'senti idling in our irc chan
having me as leader
Lwo trick jump movie

our goal for this cb seasson :

get Q in our irc chan so plz idle and perform #team-gr8

we are not here to own we are here to hf...

we <3 u all :)
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