PiMp CluB

HaI BiTCheSs

Belgium PiMpErs aRe SeaRchinG SoMe HigH SkiLLeD
PiMp WhoRe BitcheSs To haVe SoMe Fun, U neeD To TaLk WeIrD LiKe Me Bosnia Hercegovina hehehtrihthreeh3h3
AnD Be Slovenia CoOL.

ATM We aRe In FouR:
Belgium - PiMp|aDdIct (He's DrinKinG BeeR)
Poland - PiMp|RuNOsJeHeHe(He's LaGgInGXD)
Slovenia - PiMp|SkY(He'S pRo cHeaTer)
Slovenia - PiMp|M1K3(He'S wNnBe SkY)HEHE

You Can Find uS @ #PIMPERS

SeE Ya PimPOrS
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