buNdy pimp story volume 4

Yeah yeah yeah .... it has been a while. But i'm back with some new juicy storys about my sexlife.

Today i can finally say that i'm already 6 months with my girlfriend. I like her verymuch but i wouldnt be myself if i wouldnt eat candy from another santaclaus.

So i know this girl, she is a old collegue from my work. I havent seen her for a while but last week i met her at a club here in Amsterdam ( studentsnight @ thursday ..It's a must ) I spoke with her and i could see from the looks of her eyes that she was a little bit drunk.* JUSST a little bit*. So we continued our conversation and she started asking all sorts of questions. But @ the moment she asked me if i had a girlfriend..everything became quiet interessting for her.( girls find that in general very attractive if a guy has a girlfriend ) So she began touching me @ my legs and stuff ..and i was ïn my mind like '' hmm....should i stay or should i go". I then began to drink also some heavy drinks what mad me a little bit drunk. She then took me to the toilet of the girls ( wich didnt had any security :S). First i couldt get my dick up because ( atleast i think so) i was thinking about my girlfriend. But after she gave me head something popt in me and it started to grow. We then started fucking heavy but i didnt come strange enough.

I didnt feel good when i came out of the toilet. I dont think my girlfriend diserve to have a dickass like me. But owelll ... If she doesnt know...she doesnt know :)

Thnx for reading...and maybe stay tuned for another crazy pimping story...

(fouten waarschijnlijk inbegrepen)
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