Singapore > World

This city is INCREDIBLE!!!

Apparently its about the size of London and there are just over 4 million people here, but it is aboslutely incredible how different something can be that is the size of old London! This country is so clean and green! Not only is littering a criminal offence over here, they are forced to put trees everywhere to help fight the humidity, and boy is it humid! The heat here is only comparable to a really bad night in Spain, its so hot day in day out and the humity does not change even after the spectacular thunder storms.

I'm staying at the swisshotel, and I'd have to guess that this is a 5 star hotel. The view out of my window is phenominal, I can the see the event venue to the left, the Sinagpore opera house and port in front, and to the right the central business district, further out to sea I can just see the first of the indonesian islands, its breath taking!

Food, a subject close to my heart and again I am far from disapointed! The range of incredible local (eastern asian) dishes is outstanding, the food court here is not only diverse (no american crap) but also a BIG meal costs maybe $6 which is £2, its absolutely incredible! There are so many cheap items here (esp. electrical), I dont know what to buy!!!

All of that and the national first language is english and the plugs are 3 pin english plugs! They've kept the more important parts of being a former colony! (driving on the right side of the road being one of them!)

This place is absolutely phenominal! We have these first 2 days to setup and enjoy, so hopefully we'll get alot of cultural stuff done :)

Have a nice day, I know I will :)

btw, you got the edited version of my mail to my family, thats how much I love xfire! :PP
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