GameArena Season 7

GA Season 7 is what most of australian ETers were waiting for (only cause Season 6 finished) only to have some idiot making the config -

We have pbcvar checks which im told pb already checks for within its core file (why keep updating pb if there arnt)

We have those 40 odd cvars being checked 30 times at the beginning and end of every match

We also supposedly dont support dialup users anymore even though a few (including myself) play on dialup occassionally (GameArena is sponsered by Telstra Bigpond Internet - This still sells dialup and other forms of crappy internet)

On regards to not supporting dialup anymore, they have changed the minimum rate and maxpackets allowed, 5000 and 30 respectivly, for the past 6 season of ET and 4 season of RTCW in australia, the rate and maxpackets have not changed until now.
Changing the rate and maxpackets in the config, puts out the option of using "Modem" in your netsettings (as it uses's 4000 and 15 respectivly)

One arguement is - they lag out the server - Bulls*&^
Another is that they warp - Bulls*&^ the q3 engine and bani's pro coding has stopped 90% of warpiness, the modem setting stops the other 10 percent.

I'm just going to go...and finish my report on GA and its config dilema's
aaaaand im prolly gunna get raged here so <3
ps. go go rogue, the only REAL gameop these days in GA.
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