solution to the "et.exe has encountered..." thingy

maybe u remember me whining about not being able to play et cause of this error about 2 months ago
well i needed these 2 months to finally get the idea to look into the FAQs on where i found the following:

My game crashes with an error in pbcl.dll or a General Protection Fault. Why?

This issue can be from a program that conflicts with PB. There are a few known program that cause this:

* Get Right
* DU Super Controler
* Macro Toolsworks
* Girder 3.2
* PRTG Traffic Grapher
* MS Office: ctfmon.exe (rarely)
* CyberCorder: cybrcrdr.exe
* Paessler Router Traffic Grapher: prtg4.exe
* 3dnasys.exe
* mIRCStats

Closing those programs, or any like them that contain user or kernel level debuggers should stop the problem.

for me it was the popular download manager Get Right which i uninstalled now and et works again

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