looking for team

well since forum post doesnt work for me ill post it in a journal

after 4 months my et works again so u can imagine im a bit out of shape but im kinda feeling my skill come back again xD

im looking for some stable team for 6v6 / 3v3 of around opencup premier/ 2nd division skill (dont know any of the teams that formed in the last 4 months though :> )

teams i played in: faded (guess noone remembers them was almost at the beginning of et); veXo (the first one); k@ozz

would be good if at least some of the guys would consider moving to qw when it comes out cause im gonna play it from beta/demo/whatever

edit: oh maybe i should add that none of the teams i played in contained less than 3 different nationalities so speaking english is np :)
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