Media license

For the past 50 years or so, the danish population (flag: Denmark) has been forced to pay TV license or radio license to the national TV-channel, if you owned a TV or a radio, no matter if you were/are able to watch or listen to the two.

Now the national television has found a way to get more money into thier big pot of money, by suggesting to the govenment, that we need media license instead of the old two types of licenses.
The media license is for people who owns either:
- TV.
- Computer with a internet connection above 256 Kbs.
- PDA/3G telephones.

And the price of this license will from January 1st 2007 be around 2000 DKr., which is about 270 Euro each year.

Already young people studying (we all know that you need a computer now a days to study) are crying about this harassment; I too are fucking pissed about it.
They want us to pay for a fucking service that we do not use, the service provided on the national televisions homepage...

Please let me hear your oppinion about this :)
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