Clearing some stuff up about raskl etc

Theres a lot of ambiguity/editting/bullshitting going on about this whole raskl thing so I thought I would try to clear some stuff up with some quotes etc:

1 Has raskl reformed?
There seems to be this idea floating around that raskl has done his time, that he made a stupid one time mistake a long time in the past and that since then he has regretted in and tried to put it past him, so should be let off.

raskel on 08/06/06, 12:32
i think your missing the point completely rafiki. yes i put a cheat on AGES ago in a online game i got caught owned up and got rid. i havnt raped or killed some 1 its over.

Sheep on 07/06/06, 17:34
And for your information, i firmly believe he doesn't cheat atm

Now ignoring the fact that cheating in officials is meant to be a lifetime ban not something you get let off from after 2 weeks for good behaviour, if we where gonna let someone off, what would we want to look at first to see if a person had actually reformed to some extent and wasnt still the same cheating cock they were in the past:

Things that would be a good indication of this?
-Being able to openly admit(to the full extent) that he did cheat in the past
-Being in some way apologetic to his ex clan members whose trust he betrayed
-Showing some sort of remorse/shame for his past wrongdoing
-Not cheating again

Ok so lets look at some quotes from the etnation thread:

By raskl at the start of the thread saying there is no proof:

"i have been caught hacking' no never pls show proff
i have been ACCUSED OF HACKING thats it by ppl like you .. pls get a fucking life . im innocent untill proven guilty"

"pls show me proof screenshots/logs/demos where i was kicked in public play (With other players or in match) of me hacking..

i dont hack i play et for fun" [/q]

"i have never been kicked from a server for any other error than pb init failure etc pls look up the facts before you make up a story.

i have proven my case now get off my back"

Heres the screenshot from later in the thread but atm he is still in theres no proof mode

This is to andeh, his clanmate from rvc where he was kicked for hacking against moo in a cb official(hacking against moo is low in so many ways tbh, shame on you). Andeh at this point doesnt have access to the demo that proved it. Notice the remorse from raskl:

"sorry mate i was accused of hacking , no proof

i remember constantly being flamed by you and chell and the like accusing me of hacking cos i was better than you"

This is from bulldog, who was in a clan with raskl after the nightwolf incident where he supposed learned the error of his ways:

"I started watching you after Vowel specced a match and said you were calling stuff you couldnt see. On braundorf when i was in corridor at 1st spawn and you slipped up and said "dont bull thers 4 coming now". It was impossible for you too see. This promted me to check your screenshots and none from 1100 on our server has you on theem. They were all PBSS Blocked so came out black. You called spawn times before anyone had even got too their spawn when we asked you about it you said "i have something that tells me then that not illegal is it?"

I was gutted tbh !!! and our clan almost folded over it :O

so you have hacked you have been caught and you may or may not do it again. The only reason that guid wasnt banned from all servers was that i liked you as a mate"

Heres the actual rvc demo provided by tammie incase anyone missed it:

Heres raskl not realising the cat is out of the bag:
"i will continue to play et untill sum1 shows me evidence of me hacking ... haha it cant be done sorry"

Heres raskl owning up finally after it becomes blatant everyone knows anyway:
when i first started playing et as nightwolf i messed about with hacks and got accused since then i dont use them... this is in the past. at that time i didn tknow i was going to start playing it seriously.

Heres raskl several pages back trying to imply that he didnt hack in the 1v1 duels thing:
also the shit vs jackazk 1v1 the demo was uploaded looked at and the removed with an appologie written to me from the admins cos they couldnt see any evidence of hacks

Heres raskl admitting he hacked from the start of his time playing et:
btw the hack i tried back then was a public hack i downloaded it when i downloaded et

I dunno if raskl will actually admit he cheated in the duels thing, since despite it being pretty obvious he did, it seems to me he is the type to deny everything that he possibly can. m00 where an awesome clan imo, but being fair the idea that he needed to hack against them but not in a 1v1 against a "high skilled" player is a little silly. Luckily for him he forgot to take a demo of the first game, and then in the replay he got owned.

And finally heres raskl feigning indifference about the whole thing. Its okay folks he doesnt need to hack, he has a rl:
right well not much more for me to do than /quit et, and spend more time on my life.

OK so lets look at the list again and see how he did:
-Being able to openly admit(to the full extent) that he did cheat in the past
No. He denies everything that he can possibly get away with(and some things he cant). People might want to trust him cus hes such a nice guy, but realistically he could be hacking in every games he plays at the moment and lying through the teeth about it and it wouldnt be at all out of character.
-Being in some way apologetic to his ex clan members whose trust he betrayed
No. Apologetic is not the same as "accusing me of hacking cos i was better than you" something he said to people from his clan, where he has admitted(when theres no other choice) to hacking even after they defended him over the duels thing.
-Showing some sort of remorse/shame for his past wrongdoing
No. The most you can get out of him, if his back is to the wall, is an attempt at indifference. Whatever I dont care about et anyway etc.
-Not cheating again
Nope. See bulldogs post

OK second point I'd like to make is about sheep mylegend etc:

This whole area is very iffy. Sheep trusted him etc, but there seems to be alot of ambiguity in these posts.

Stuff from tosspot:

"If you were Sheep and you had recruited someone who you had known for a while and someone accused them of cheating, what would you do? I tell you what, if I were in Sheeps position I wouldn't even look at the demo, I'd just ignore the pm (or possibly irc fight them!)."

Ok first its not one pm is it. Rafiki says in a comment he wouldnt play them cus of raskl and said why. And sheep says:

"I then got told he was a hacker, as far as im corncerned, i knew nothing about it until i got those PM's."

pms plural. And i know that the one andeh sent at least wasnt some lame "omg he headshotted me 3 times and i have it on .avi lolz haxz" sort of pm. It was very clear, saying that he was in a clan with raskl before, and that they had caught him hacking in an official, and giving a link to a demo that proved it 100%

More from tosspot:

"Put yourself in Sheep's position for a second and be asked to question one of your clanmates, its not easy at all.
Perhaps now that a big part of the UK community has voiced their concerns, do you NOW start questioning the player, but up until this point I think alot of people would have reacted in the same vein and simply dismissed allegations if they were like Sheep, unaware fully of the previous allegations levelled at the player."

And stuff to go with that from sheep:

"Yes, but people tend to listen to the hear-say, and most of the hear-say is bullshit/negative comments"

"When i first met raskL, i thought he was a regular player. Nothing odd about him. I recruited him as i would/did anyone else. I then got told he was a hacker, as far as im corncerned, i knew nothing about it until i got those PM's. I investigate further, but as far as im concerned, it is really none of my business to pass judgement on a guy who possibly cheated in his early days coming from hear-say of someone i don't know."

Said to andeh:

"I did listen and take action on your pm, you can ask raskL himself. I have asked him numerous times to be honest and up front with me about everything.

...and about the argument. I stand up for what i believe in, and i believe in friendship and trust, but whenever i try to defend him, i get made out to be the bad guy and therefore gets bashed down again."

Said to dark:
"Ok, when i recruited raskL, Andeh said check out this link he hacks, but i took no notice - i didn't know how far this team was going to go or how big a part this would actually play in our future... but now we are becoming much more serious and recognised what we can achieve, it plays a larger role in the squad. So basically, it has only been governed a major factor, pretty much today."

Anyone starting to see the cracks here?

Its said he investigated and he ignored it, so he can be a responsible clan leader while shirking any resposibility at the same time. Any sort of omg hearsay or I want to trust my clanmembers stuff over other peoples accusations is obviously irrelevant. Hes says he has talked to raskl numerous times, and raskl, as we all know, is the worlds most honest person and has sheeps complete trust. And since raskl is now in the position where he has to admit to hacking before, i cant see him saying he didnt admit it straight away to sheep when mentioned.

If sheep didnt watch any demos or listen to any pms at the time, which tbh is no way due to trusting him, its either not caring if he cheats or already knowing, and either way he didnt have to cus he spoke to raskl, who is incapable of lying.

"I think the last thing i've done is burried my head in the sand mate.

I watched the demo and shown it to the others too, raskL has sat with us, and we have spoken to him and fired him all sorts of questions, that must have been aweful for the poor lad... but he reassures us, and we have stressed enough how much trouble it can get us into, but he honestly tells us he doesn't anymore, and he would never do anything to danger the reputation of the team."

Im sure he told rVc honestly during that whole duels thing that he had never hacked, and would never do anything to danger the reputation of the team

If anyone wants the mylegend party line out of this, as far as i can work it out admist all the contradictions/editting, its that they ignored every single pm etc out of hand over the last few months or so, along with a shit load of comments on that news post on xfire, but then later when i posted the demo again that they had ignored repeatedly, they suddenly all watched it, sat down and talked about it, and then decided to trust that the hacker raskl doesnt hack any more.

Now to me personally, this sounds like bullshit. Like before its either they didnt care if he hacked or not or they outright knew about it. Having said that its just my opinion and I'd probably be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Raskl on the other hand, I wouldnt, and I really dont see why anyone else should have to. The one thing at least that all parties can agree on is that raskl cheated in a cb official. Theres definite proof, and besides, Raskl is admitting to it.

So ban plskthx.
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