John, the comeback

As the number of "LOOK_A_CHEATER_IS_BUSTED" Journals increase, John Lenon woke up and send me this "new" version of Imagine:

Imagine there's no Cheaters
It's easy if you hax
No PB below us
Above us only lags
Imagine all the people
Living for the cheats

Imagine there's no admins
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kick or ban for
And no maxpackets too
Imagine all the Cheaters
Dealing with Clanbase

You may say that I'm a cheater
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the game will be as one

SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER !! WOOT! I'm so bored can't sleep :(
btw Today IRAN will nuke mexico ;o
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