Sigapore Chicks

It seems at every event I go to, I rave about the chicks that are at the event, Eurocup in particular.

HOWEVER, Singapore and WCG really takes the cake, myself and NiceGuyEd have been jaw dropping for the whole trip. I don't know quite what it is out here, perhaps its the incredible humity, but they are all phenominal, no matter where you go!

The national anthem of Singapore has been officially changed by iTG to the pop song "I see girls, here there and everywhere"


The event is underway and getting hot, the games right now are something of a formality as the favourites progress, however yesterday we had a really intense cs game between TeG and level with a surprise that level (3 ex Titans members) go knocked out by the romanians.

The crowds here just get bigger and bigger, and they great really involved with the games, clapping and cheering alot, espcially when a local team plays. I am particularly looking forward to the FIFA game today at 3.30 singapore time as its on the mainstage and features a singapore player, fifa is typically a big crowd pleaser as its easy to follow, but with a local player it should be great!!

I can only be positive for so long, as some of you may know I eat ALOT! But when it comes to dinner time the rest of iTG are all insistent of going to an asian restaraunt, now thats great, I like asian food, BUT the servings and the meal is SO small, I consider what you get served in any japanese restaraunt a snack type size, I need MEAT!! :( However you get what you pay for, the average meal here in singapore costs no more than £5 which is incredible!

Oh and Singapore pringles, what is up there, they are smaller and thinner, that was a real heartbreaker :(

BUT This place rocks!


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