Razz vs. violence removed from sweRTCW

So, razz's movie "Razz vs. violence", made by Indu, was removed from sweRTCW, because razz cheated. I think it was wrong. I downloaded and watched it before it was removed, and I was very impressed. Not of razz's frags. I could see nice multifrags vs. european top teams like VAE, but it didn't impress me, no effect, because I know he cheated (not sure if he even cheted in those wars but still he was a cheater and that's enough for me), no appreciation to him from me at all. BUT as a moviemakers view this is one of best ET movies in long time, maybe the best one ever. I can't name an ET movie, where I would have seen better cfg & quality, and still the ratio is some 28 or 29 mb per minute. There can also be seen nice effects and syncing. So, what I was impressed of was Indu's moviemaking skillz and not razz's frags. Imo the movie should be able to download because it's a great specimen of Indus moviemaking skillz and he's work is not gettting the appreciation it deserves, if the movie cannot reach the big audience. Since the whole ET scene knows this "razz case" everybody can make their own opinion of his skillz and so on, and I think most of the people out there wouldn't appreciate his frags, because of he cheated, but this movie should be able to be downloaded because it really is the best quality ET movie I know.
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