The Thin Line of Cheating or Tweaking

Just a few hours earlier I wrote a journal on RaZz and Rivatuner. In it I disclosed a very quick way to do the "RaZz Rivatuner hax" (copyrighted by RaZz) without installing any external program. You see RivaTuner is merely a front-end to something the NVIDIA video-drivers actually do. By adding a registry value to the Windows Registry you can pass on a "message" to the video card driver telling it to render it in such a way that (as a side-effect) leaves get removed from ET.

Moments after I disclosed how to do this, my journal was nuked and I received a private message from TosspoT:
--------------- BEGIN PM ---------------
Title: Your Journal
Sent on Sun 18 Jun 2006, 0:15 CEST by TosspoT
I've nuked this on grounds of censorship for the sole reason that we'd rather limit peoples access to hacks or tweaks
---------------- END PM -----------------

The question I ask myself then is where do we draw the limit? What are acceptable tweaks and what are not? Well apparently we do not have to decide upon this; the admins of this wonderful site do it for us. What business of XFire is it anyway to decide what goes and does not go? Isn't it the leagues who decide what is hax and what isn't?

For everyone's amusement I have re-done this registry editing only with a slightly different value; now it is not so apparent that leaves from tree's get removed. The results:


I made these screenshots:

I ask you is this cheating or tweaking? I can lower the value further to make the line even vaguer; but I think this better shows the idea.

Before answering this question please realize that this is not actually how I see the game. I use NVIDIA Digital Vibrance, NVIDIA Image Sharpening (standard NVIDIA software with the video-card) and my monitor settings to give me an "edge". You see all those tweaks (without the SOMETHING THAT GOT EDITED tweak) enhance the screen so I can see the difference between characters and the background easier. In addition their faces tend to light up (easier headshooting) and characters bodies have a nice glow around them. But you do not see this on the screenshots I take because of the way NVIDIA wrote it.

More tweaking fun can be found at
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