WCG Final Day!

My last day in Singapore, its been so much fun so far and it just keeps getting better!

Yesterday was a busy busy day, alot to cast that didnt end until 9.30 with a really interesting USA vs Canada CS match which USA took, but on the other side of the bracket, World #1 Mousesports and WEG winners (?) Virtous Pro went out to none other than KAZAKHSTAN!!! Thats right, USA VS KAZAKHSTAN cs final.

Nobody had heard of this kaz team who are now potential winners of WCG 2005, not only that but in great fashion they caused ALOT of controversy, WCG forced a 3rd map between them and mousesports as kaz abused a bug on train, to which mouse complained and kazakhstan returned with changing their naming to "1945" and making various WW2 comments to the german mousesports side. The next point is, win or lose a round they are emotionless, never move an inch.

Its been a tonne of fun out here and still one more packed day to go, the crowds are HUGE. I cant wait :)

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