6800GT Drivers

Right im utter pish with this sorta thing so any help at all please..

Was running the omega drivers on it which were a year old and it kept crashing my CSS. So i tried to update to the new forceware drivers from Nvidia..So i uninstalled omega etc and got nothing but a blank screen when i installed the forceware drivers...

So i was reading pages and found out that theres a program called Driver cleaner pro which removes the left over things in registery etc.. so removed all the nvidia stuff and still nothing. Getting a bit pissed off i remembered that before i put in my 6800GT i had an ATI card which came with my pc! So feeling rather prooud i used the program to remove the ATI stuff and vwola it worked! Brilliant i thought untill after the restart my graphics card was no longer found as hardware connected to my pc

so i used the system restore to go back a day and that goes back to the omega drivers but that still doesnt solve the problem of the crashing game.. HELP

Scotland random flag \o
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