who will win the next et-cup ?


Team ::: ;ugly;
no i think pstarZ :s
The Questions:

Q1: Some of you got a direct invite, some had to play a qualifier match. Any words/remarks about the system and invites?
Q2: Some lineups got more than 6 peepz, which 6 will be playing in Enschede?
Q3: How is the team travelling for Enschede?
Q4: Do you have any financial support or are you guys on your own.
Q5: Do you expect any dropouts? If yes, how many?
Q6: Your top3 for the event is ... ?
Q7: What clan will surprise?
Q8: Player to watch in your team? Why?
Q9: Who do you want to meet for sure? Why?
Q10: What do you OR/AND the team expect from CPC2?

The Answers:

A1: The system was ok. Maybe there should have been more qualifier games so that all the clans that signed up could have tried to qualify.
A2: Reload, r3vers, JaKaZc, senji, urtier, Mr.X
A3: Some will go by car, some will fly to some city nearby and will get picked up.
A4: We are getting financial support.
A5: I believe that 3-4 teams won't come.
A6: Dignitas, Impact, zeroPoint! in some random order
A7: I think there won't be any surprises. :-)
A8: JaKaZc: He has to play panzer!
A9: fireBall, he wanted to stab senji, me and some others
A10: A lot of fun and hopefully reaching the first place again

United Kingdom
A1: I'm more than happy about being given a direct invite - exactly what we hoped for as we desperately wanted to attend this LAN. A qualifier would have been 'ok', just that we weren't guaranteed a place at the CPC2.
A2: Sheep / Lepari / Squall / Iron / rAZz / vegi
A3: Me, vegi and rAZz going by plane to Amsterdam, then train to Enschede. Lepari, Squall and Iron are flying to Bremen and train to Enschede.
A4: Not sure yet, atm we are paying ourselves, but we desperately need support.
A5: Not too sure, probably the 2 week teams that were only made like 1 month ago are more likely to drop.
A6: 1. dignitas 2. aMenti 3. polar
A7: one4one I hope ;)
A8: Squall, because he wallhacks!
A9: Urtier and Cash, two guys I respect greatly.
A10: Just a nice frienly atmosphere where you can have fun with some of the guys :)

A1: I think that the system was fine, good that many teams got invited but still some teams had their chances on qualifiers. Only thing which I would've maybe changed would've been choosing rather old teams, which have already proven theirselves, over the new teams without any results yet.
A2: Actually we still need confirmation from our 6th player, cadein, because he broke his computer and hasn't been answering to phone lately. But confirmed 5 players are: InFragTes, lettu, mikza, rauzki and I. Hopefully we'll manage to reach cadein soon and he can come, so that we don't need to look for any replacement.
A3: We're going to first fly to Cologne and then take a train from there to Enschede.
A4: We don't have any supporters yet, but hopefully we'll find some. Although I don't think that we got big chances to find any organization which could support us financially, but atleast we'd need someone who could support us with some basic stuff like gameserver, which we'd need for practicing.
A5: I guess that there will be atleast one dropout, maybe two.
A6: 1. dignitas 2. 141 3. murso
A7: 141, although I don't know if they can be called as very "suprisers". Hopefully our team will suprise too, because not many are again excepting anything from us. :)
A8: If I'd have to pick just one, mikza would be the one to spectate in our team in my opinion. A great multiclasser who is dealing a lot of damage.
A9: I want to meet as many guys as possible there, but specially my old teammates from sFx LAN and all the other finnish guys.
A10: Well, besides just having fun there, we'd of course like to win some money back from there too to cover some of the travelling costs. So we're aiming to have a lot of fun there and finish on the moneyplaces in the tournament.

A1: I think the invites were pretty accurate, and the best teams got chosen for invites and qualifiers, my only doubts would be the seeds of the qualifiers but with past experience with CB I know its very hard to impossible to get them perfectly right.
A2: toxic, kris, perfo, snoop, fobje, XyLoS
A3: kris perfo snoop are taking a train to Enschede, whilst me fobje and xylos are flying to amsterdam then catching a train to Enschede.
A4: We have some financial support, but every player has to pay something.
A5: There are always dropouts unfortunetely, no matter what cup, no idea how many but I'm sure some teams will be there that didnt win their quali ;)
A6: 1. dignitas, 2/3 between impact/polar/amenti/zp/netr :D
A7: I was going to say one.soldier but seeing as they got a direct invite it doesnt seem like much of a surprise now :P, so I'd have to go with netrunners.
A9: mystic, to say I shook hands with the legendary mystic!
A10: We expect to enjoy our time together, and results :)

Belgium mAx
A1: I guess it's ok, but people make a too big deal about qualifiers, the difference between being directly invited or playing a qualifier against a low skilled team is really low. Our line up is strong on paper but as we didn't play with that line up yet, I admit it's a bit surprising to see us directly invited, not that we wouldn't qualify tho :).
A2: We're only 6.
A3: We didn't figure it out, by car/train I guess, we don't live that far from the lan.
A4: Yes, one soldier is supporting us financially as they already did for us at fragland, paris.
A5: I don't know the community enough to answer to this question.
A6: If we pracc, my team, and 2 randoms.
A7: My team, and 2 randoms.
A8: Ganon because he's funny, mika cause you can't miss him, shewie cause he won't give a fuck, licid cause he's friendly, overboost cause he's cute and myself cause I'm mAx.
A9: My prize money from cpc1, Keira Knigthley and hmmm, vila.
A10: To have fun laughing at others and to win some games.

Belgium Ganon
A1: Well I must admit I'm kinda surprised to be invited but it's a good news for our team. With that invite we now have the time to have a proper training phase.
A2: Mika, Shewie, Overboost, Licid, HoTmAx and me (Ganon) should be the line-up.
A3: I guess we're gonna come with 2 cars from Belgium, don't know how Licid and Overboost will come but since they're living in the Netherlands I guess it's gonna be with a car or by train for them.
A4: I think onesoldier is giving us a financial support wich should cover our travel and maybe our sleeprooms.
A5: I'm not that involved in the community these last times so I can't say.
A6: I only think dignitas will do well, for the rest I can't predict.
A7: I've been reading the reactions about our direct invite so we can only surprise people, even one win would be a surprise if I trust the comments.
A8: All our players got individual skills some are well known aimers, some are obj-whores and Licid is a well considered rifle. So you can choose what you wanna see when speccing us.
A9: Overboost and Licid even if I think that meeting anyone would be interesting.
A10: To be entertaining without to many inactive-times, to meet pleasant guys and we hope we're gonna make a not too bad result.

A1: I think the system worked out well. Some of the invites was abit strange, but i think it was overall very good (probably because we beat A+R anyway.. if not i would probably find more to whine about..hehe)
A2: For dtekt, i suppose we will go with 7 members. Dtekt did that in SHGopen aswell, and will most likely do it for CPC2. Its nice to be able to have a backup if someone is getting sick, or just have a way to big hangover.
A3: 3 of us is travelling by car, while the other 3(or4) will fly. most likely to Bremen, and take train or bus from Bremen,
A4: We got financial support.
A5: I do expect dropouts yes. I suppose we will probably see atleast 2 or 3 of the 16 teams dropping out,. Hopefully there will be replacements ready.
A6: for the SHGopen, i Said Dignitas, dtekt, zeropoint. dtekt ended 5th that tournament. For CPC2. Im gonna say Dignitas, dtekt, zP(or 141). Im betting a second place again.. sorry, but i allways bet with my heart.. makes me a bad gambler..
A7: 141 will probably surprise me.
A8: players to watch.. I would allmost say everone.. Fireball and sexyhot has great aim. Blaze is one of the smartest players ive ever seen. HumM3l is still learning the rifle, better and better each day, and z3R0 is so focused on the gameplay he forgets to talk, so he is allso a nice guy to spectate. About myself, i belive im pretty much underrated in this scene, so be my guest to spec me to.
A9: perfo (again). said hi in SHGopen, didnt get to talk to much, but he is a really nice guy.. mesq. i remember alot of guys were flaming him hard online, but mesq and me allways had nice conversations. Its gonna be fun to meet him in Real Life. Evo. Evo and me.. we both love girls.. can i say anymore? it will be time for beer and chikitas.. Jakacz - This time i will say hi first:D Tosspot - I just cant understand where he gets all that energy from.. the man is a machine.. full respect for him. Blaze - (again) said hi in SHGopen..had a few talks, and he is a really nice guy.. gonna take a sigarette with him or 100:D The rest of dtekt aswell.. of course. Mashed - if he gets green light from parents, it will be fun to say hi again. And to all i met in SHGopen, i do hope i will meet u in Enschede aswell.
A10: I expect plenty of good matches. I expect better coverage from ITG. ( i felt it wasnt enough on SHGopen, though i understand how much tosspot had to do.. shoutcasting different games and everything else he had his finger into) I expect it to be fun, to be a challenge, and i expect dtekt to go among top 4.

A1: we, cZar, had to play a qualifier match vs defs. We were quite dissapointed that we didn't get a direct invite. All in all the admins did a good job, excluded some direct invites IMO.
A2: cZar's line up will be: lio, mesq, snot, zeto, ziff and dNzl.
A3: We are all 6 going by train, as we did with CPC 1.
A4: We do have financial support.
A5: Yes, I do. I guess about 2/3 dropouts.
A6: #1 Dignitas, #2 polar eSports, #3 NETRunners
A7: polar eSports.
A8: Player To Watch in cZar would be either lio or snot.
A9: All the internet-flamers. I'm looking forward to see my own team back.
A10: A pleasant place filled with surprises and fun!

A1: Well, with the invites I had some thought, cus helix should got a direct invite and like one.soldier not. But the decisions were made and we have to deal with it so. But we (vib) had to play qualie vs KiH, we won it and we are very happy.
A2: Vilango, Asd-, DanOne, Saccii, Kentsu and Matias, this will be our 6 man who are going to CPC2 in April
A3: Well, asd, kentsu, matias will be flying to Bremen and then some guy will pick them up and drive to Enschede , DanOne will be driving by car. And me going with car aswell , and vila with the train I suppose
A4: We are busy to find a good sponser or sponsers to support us to cpc2. We will get the entrance for cpc2 from VIB . But if not we will pay it by ourselves.
A5: I think there will be some drop-outs, I don’t know witch one but there are always peeps who cant pay or are to late with paying. I think 2 teams are not going to make it
A6: 1e: Dignitas 2e: Zeropoint 3e: Impact-gaming Outsider : 141 , polar , vib , netrunners
A7: Hard to call , I hope us
A8: Matias and DanOne , just cus of the skill and aim
A9: Lioco and mAus . Just because we are on vent with each other like almost every day and I know them for a year now. Vilango also but I met him once already
A10: Just have a lot of fun with each other and try to win some games.

A1: Well, I must say that I really liked the system, since the qualis went pretty smoothly and a lot of teams were given a chance to qualify. The direct invites were pretty much ok as well and, even though some people stronly disagree with them, this was one of the best possible combinations.
A2: The lineup playing in Enschede will be buzka, chester, gotti, rio, Robol^ and me.
A3: It all depends on who do you mean in particular, but it's at least around 750 km for everyone, which is basically the distance from Poznan to Enschede. For some it's additional 400 km or so, for others it's only few kilometres more.
A4: There's a very high probability that we'll be given financial support, can't really say much more about this at this point ;)
A5: Hmmm... I would like to say that I don't, but I simply get the impression that some of the teams just won't make it to Enschede. I don't want to mention any specific teams, though.
A6: 1. Dignitas 2. Impact 3. Netrunners ;)
A7: It is really hard to answer that question more than one month before the event, since there is plenty of time for teams to improve. I think that one.soldier may be a surprise for many because they have what it takes to be a decent team, but they really need to put a lot of effort into preparations.
A8: Well, certainly gotti because of his awesome skills! :XD
A9: I really can't wait to see sol again, he's so much of an Irish trash, that's almost unbelievable! The second reason is that he's taking the best Irish bear with him, you can't miss the chance to see it.
A10: I haven't talked to everyone about their expectations, but I personally expect us, or at least hope, to end up somewhere in the top 3. Lower position will certainly not be a disappointment, but I know that at the LAN we can do better than we usually do and top3 is definitely not out of reach. Maybe I'm being overoptimistic, but believe me, lagging is not an advantage at all ;D

A1: Well invites seemed ok. What comes to impact, I'm happy that we got invite, since we are not really in the top shape yet.
A2: I dont know about others, but our lineup will be Raveneye, Mystic, Xpaz, m1lk, teKoa and me.
A3: Finns go with plane from Tampere to Bremen, and from Bremen to Enshede with train. Dutch people only needs train afaik :)
A4: Impact gaming fully supports the team for the LAN.
A5: Wouldn't surprise me if there would be drop outs. 1-2?
A6: Tough one, I would say top 5. I think Dignitas, Impact, ZeroPoint (not in any particular order) are the favourites. And to add 2 perhaps TLR and NETR.
A7: I would say one4one will surprise. Player to watch, hmm, at least not me, I wanna hide my sucky smg-skills, hehe. I dont know really, they are all so good in their own particular way. I guess Raveneye/Mystic will be the players to watch, proving how good they still are compared to nowadays skill level.
A8: -
A9: Adacore! Had fun with him at cpc1 :) (free beers had nothing to do with this!:)
A10: Well first of all we want to enjoy our stay of course. We have a cabin booked with Sauna and 5 finns in that cabin, so there will be some cultural teaching about how sauna works. :) And the LAN itself, of course we will aim to the nr. 1 position.

A1: Well not rly, I really like the invites and qualifiers. No special thoughts about that.
A2: We got a 6 man lineup dont really need a 7th. Our lineup will be: aCoZz, Clown, Marv, Winghaven, Maus, And me ofc =)
A3: Well the most people will travel with the plain. Except me and maus will go by MY car =) and our manager atarax will drive with me aswell.
A4: We just joined the MGC "thelastresort" for a reason ofc. Not only the money but lots of more. So yea actually we need to pay our tickets for plains/gas for car. Thats it the rest is for Tlr. So maybe its like 150 euro/person.
A5: I hope no1 ofc, i wanna see everyone at lan especially HUMMEL:D. Nah i just hope everyone pays the money and show up ! <3
A6: I guess n1= dignitas n2= zP/TLR n3= polar/141
A7: I think one.soldier can suprise. And 141.
A8: Well i think you can watch out for all my team. 1 by 1 great players dont wanna trade anyone for them. maybe acozz but ok. <3 But if i need to say names. Maus great aim/ clown best engiskills(he thinks)/ wing multikills acozz aswell / marv great medic skills. and me lowmid max. :)
A9: I wanna meet Hummel for sure. I need new quotes irl :< I wanna meet everyone and at least say hey to them.
A10: We 'Tlr team and management atarax and irZ' expect to have a great time there. Hang out together getting to know each other in real life. And ofc if we get top3 we would be more then happy.

- nah i cant
- no one will yet

Netherlands Abort
A1: Some teams (like helix) haven't disurved a direct invite comparing to other teams, like mine (pingwins), because our team lasts for almost a year, which is pretty impressive in ET.
A2: Abort,bullvox,chaozz,GuNnEr,Lightning,zerender
A3: zerender chaozz and dr3am will meet up in germany afaik. Lightning will go by car, and I will go by train. GuNnEr will take the plane to Amsterdam.
A4: We paid everything by ourselves, though we are still looking for a multigaming team which might sponsor us (financially) for a bit.
A5: Yes, I wont tell you about the teamnames, since I dont want to have any public prejudices :b. I think 2 or 3 teams will drop.
A6: Idle, zeropoint, any random team!
A7: Maybe us or helix.
A8: Chaozz, because without a high ping himself and antilag-abusers, hackers, pingers and netlamers he will be an uber player! At least I get this intention!
A9: My whole team, especially GuNnEr since i know him from a long time ago and played alot with him. Also I want to meet rafiki,toxic,ronner,species,aphesia,ph4ge since i know them for a long time aswell.
A10:At least I expect some nice days with some guys i know for some (long) time, some nice games but no prices for us in general. I see this as the opportunity to meet my (old school) e-friends.

Netherlands Lightning
A1: Went pretty nice, imo they should have looked more at stablity when they made the invites.
A2: Lightning,Chaoz,Abort,Bullvox,Zerender,Gunner
A3: 1 by plane rest car and train, since most of the players live close to NL
A4: Were going on our own, were still looking for some sponsors but for now were paying it by ourself
A5: Well i see some lineup changes atm, and because of that i think 2 teams will be replaced.
A6: 1. Dignitas 2. Zeropoint 3. Netrunners
A7: Pingwins :))
A8: abort, and why, well i guess for the 1on1 duels :))
A9: dr3am, Played with him in wArning! and had contact with him ever since.
A10: Getting a signature and photo from mystic !_!
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