Happy slapping...

wtf, my uncle just came to our house with a badly bruised face... so fucking bad right, he had been out drinking after the england game with a few of his mates, and he got bus home from town centre, and a group of lads starting happy slapping him, he says there were like 16-18 year olds, a group of 5/6.. and they starting happy slapping him, so he retaliated by mouthing off at them, and then they start pushing him about on the bus, the bus stopped and the driver told em to fuck off, so they got off and chased the bus until my uncle got off and chased him home... man, some fucking kids are so childish and think they are so cool, my uncle is like a well built man and stuff but he said there was nothing he could do against them, considering he was a little drunk and outnumbered... man i hope to fucking see some of them again and kick the shit out of the twats... they need to be shot...
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