Netsettings ???


I dont know which Netsettings to use. My problem is: that i have an very slow dsl connection:
384kB.( download) , 128kB (Upload) / so half regular dsl
I dont know, if it is big enough to play with 100 Packets, as an addition there are the new pb ss things.
I have on most of the maps 100fps stable and a refresh rate of 100Hz.
Is there a big diffrent in the game, between 76 and 100 Packets?
I played now half a year with 100 packets, but does the connection is big enough?
Or should I set the packets lower for better gameplay 'n stuff.
I'm not a expert in Netsettings , maybe you can help me.

Please answer serious and not like:
force 100 packets blabla whine bla, i suck bla
KK thx 4 reading

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