Good Game to all

It s over for germany, we lost after a hell of a match (grats to italy, u lucky bastards :D).
Still I want to thank every german fan here for going nuts for our team as any one else did here in this country.
But the point of my journal is this: PLS STOP EVER FUCKING WHINE.
Maybe the ref fucked up a penalty for germany, WHO CARES NOW?
Maybe some Itakians fell like chicks, DIDNT WE DO THAT, TOO, SOMETIMES?
It was a match, a geat one, take it like a man and take it as a part of history, the future will come and we will win again sometime.
So, clap ur hands for the teams that lost and left without a cry, clap ur hands for the teams that will continue and deliver us the greatest part of entertaiment in the world, clap ur hands for the teams and players who put a smile on your face, maybe just for a second, but they did.
wait for the finals were history will be written down, again, and just be happy, because every player out there will show u the best he can, just for you, just for 90 minutes(or 120 ;) ), for the sport we and they love.
I want to grats all Italian fans for their team that fought till the very last minute.
To all the fans who enjoyed the match and the drinks :D.
See you here again, in maybe 100 years, where we will celebrate again.
Goodnight 2 all
Happy wake up today :P
And thanks for watching
ur drunken fan
hast du nix besseres zu tun ? arschgesicht
nein, weisst du doch :D
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