Nihilist aka errol case

Your skill of faking is reaching a very high level. Create a new account on xfire with your fake nick to make this absurd column/article.

Let me explain the facts.

I got a private message on irc of a guy saying their clan played a match and they lost but hey the opponent had 1 player with wrong guid.
I answered him something like if they have played the match is something like they accepted the wrong guid and we were not going to accept any complain for this matter unless he can prove the player was really a faker/standing. Minutes later I got a mail from a guy called nihilist saying:

"I want to complain about OpenCup Match between Poland N4A and United Kingdom LGND in OC league 6th, group F. Problem is that LGND had used fake player..."

He attached to this mail an ingame guids screenshot, a Legend's ClanBase guid list screenshot and a xml file 6/7 pages long, I supose extracted directly of yawn, where you can see there all the server players with some of their other nicks. Althought this was not the info I requested, I tracket player by player for their nicks and yawned myself all them again. Result, I couldn't find any player faking, so I denied his petition.

A few days ago there were a 6th league match, don't remember why but I was called to join the match channel.
I couldn't see any problem there, clans joined server and played the match. After the match they reported me the result and I filled it at CB.

Next morning I got a mail from an Spanish clan called Spain utopia claiming the opponent N4A used a fake player called nihilist while their real nick was errol they pointed me to his 4th league clan, Europe(deathless), and his player id. and also they sent me some ingame screens with his guid and links to yawn where I could see errol/nihilist were the same player.

I checked ClanBase guid changelogs from both players and got this:


18 Jun 2006 20:36 FD8A****825350DA reinstall
18 Jun 2006 20:35 F102****05D9645F new system
07 May 2006 22:50 FF02****05D9645F New computer
22 Oct 2005 17:41 F42F****0E9F37F4 == '


18 Jun 2006 20:35 FF02****05D9645F new comp
28 May 2006 11:15 FD8A****825350DA new comp
20 May 2006 21:00 AB23****ADF56876 dont know
31 Oct 2005 09:17 FD8A****825350DA my guid

I also checked their ip's and guess what happened ;)

And yes I punished N4A with a forfeit loss and removed/banned the player errol from this cup.