need help...

Because the only way for me to play ET is from an internet cafe (public pc), I dont have O/S privileges ofc, due to the understandable policy of internet cafes, not to give all priviliges to customers/ppl like me, and im stuck here with a problem.

Pb just wont let me join a server and when I do, i get kicked for not having O/S privileges, making it impossible for me to play ET. If anyone has any idea or suggestion to bypass that problem, I'm all ears. This is not about getting an opportunity to use hacks etc or whatever, I just want to get a chance to play ET or any other game that involves pb, and ppl who know me will guarantee I hate cheating and hacking and I would never use external programs like these. And btw I'm retired until I dont have to focus on school so it wouldnt make a difference after all.

So if you have any ideas and really try to help me and not reply with care comments, I really appreciate it. Because there are ppl who want to cheat and get the same error as I do, which is the reason for pb to block users with not enough O/S privileges, and if there is a solution to the problem, do not post it on public xfire, just pls send it as a pm to my profile @ this site or send mail @ [email protected]

Thx in advance
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