Felony or Lucky bastard ? [repost]

Let me teach you a thing or two…


Je bent 14 jaar, zit onder de puisten, bent aan het puberen en denkt constant maar aan een ding: seks met de juffrouw. Jouw juf is namelijk zo verschrikkelijk heet en die verdiend gewoon een goede wip. Gelukkig heb jij een oplettende juf, die doorheeft dat jij haar graag wilt nemen. Zonder aarzeling anticipeert ze op jouw verlangens en ze geeft je de nacht van je leven op de achterbank van een rijdende auto. Het is weliswaar geen Bentley Continental; toch mag dat de pret niet bederven. Maar wacht, jij bent 14 en de juf is 25, dat mag helemaal niet. Slachtoffer of geluksvogel? Jij mag het zeggen…

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English press articel

Reports detail Florida teacher's lewd encounters with boy, 14

Police yesterday released their file in the case of Debra Lafave, the 24-year-old Florida teacher arrested earlier this year for allegedly having sex with a 14-year-old boy who attended the Florida middle school where Lafave worked as a reading teacher. Included in the released records was the below Temple Terrace Police Department report of an interview with the victim, who told cops of his trysts with Lafave, who is now facing a variety of felony charges. According to the boy, whose name was redacted from the document by police, his relationship with Lafave began with a week left in the 2003-4 school year, when "she became affectionate." The student then went on to detail encounters with Lafave in her Greco Middle School classroom, an automobile, and the woman's Tampa-area home. At the request of investigators, he gave them a description of Lafave's tattoos, tan lines, and private parts. He even drew a diagram of her bedroom and living room. And in a move to buttress the victim's account, cops obtained surveillance video from a Best Buy outlet showing him in the woman's company at the electronics store. Police released stills from that tape showing Lafave, who is wearing a short halter sundress, strolling through the store while the boy browses nearby.

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