sw_fueldump_b2 - possible changes

i totally disagree with stewie about the upstairs part. Ofc removing it, weakens the axis....but also it removes some part of the gameplay. It removes possibilities to set up individual defenses. In addition you can easily counter the guys upstairs, it just need some brain. the doublefullhold between #böse and sfx wasn't only created by "upstairs". One reason for it were bad attack tactics, which are nowadays with maps like braundorf and adlernest not often necessary.
But stewie is right in saying that the axis defense is a lil bit too easy. That's why we need some minor changes on the map. Imo the truck spawn should be limited to 2 spawning guys. In addition, the amount of mines should be reduced to 3. This 2 changes would weaken the axis defense, but they wouldn't change the gameplay too much.
I think more tests and more cups are necessary to prove that sw_fuel has a lot of potential for competitive playing. It's a map where you have to develop attack tax and where you have to have some brain, a map which is 100 times better than braundorf and adler.

hf discussing it.

edit: blame me, Heidenreich was faster creating a changes journal:/
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