Cheating, everyday business?

When I quited playing ET 6 months ago, cheating was not an issue for ET. Nowadays I see almost everyday a new 'bust' on XFire or an obivious cheater in a public servers.

With cheating you really can destroy the game, if we look at CounterStrike (we are not far from that).

What has changed the 'ET scene', is it the new kids playing the game or has attidute towards cheating changed?

War against cheater is already lost, but you can of course do something against it (it is neverending battle).

What you can do is that when you get a new cheat to your hand, is to report it to PunkBuster throught evenbalance website , this small step helps the community in the future. PunkBuster is not Microsoft or another big corporation which wants to steal your money, it just wants to improve the gaming feeling.
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