ET hardware/technical advice

Ive got the following

Sony Vaio VGN-FS215M Laptop


1.73GHZ Pentium M
512MB DDR333 (2x256MB)
Geforce 6200TC

Right ive just gotten some money through so thats not a issue. The laptop can take a maximum of 1GB so I need advice which is best to do. The graphics card uses turbocache technology to use main memory and use it for graphics; boosting it up to 128 (32mb natively on the card so it steals 96mb at the most, in theory).

Now this is the problem do I max the laptop out with a 1GB stick (since its not dual channel it should be faster than 2x512mb) or just go with the slighty cheaper option (i think it would be cheaper) of 2x512mb, and would i see any real fps gain from more memory. Really need someone like mztik to help me out here :D
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