The next bet!

So we're just before the grand final of the Championship Gaming Invitational. Midway of gotfrag rolls up and says ill be you $10 that the winner of the first round, wins the game.
Wheat takes the bet, but pussys it down to 5 dollars.
I reverse it and say Ill give u $20 if u win and I'll cover Quakecon ET for gotfrag aswell, if I win he will write a front page article on Gotfrag about how underrated RTCW is.

Just in case you havent read Gotfrag its the biggest CS site out there, so reading the RTCW on the front page from the 2nd biggest writer out there (2nd to Carmac of course, who lost this bet LAST year!), will be sweet!

I'll keep you posted :D

(btw if i lose i'll deny all knowledge! :P)
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