mortar removed? who decided it?

In a quakecon forum thread Nellie says:
QuoteHere in Europe the mortar is currently removed (it was put to a public vote & the support was overwhelming) & next seasons config both the mg & flamethrower will be gone.

This is just a bad joke, right? I think so because the "overwhelming support" thing clearly is. I think the result of this poll is that 51% of the voters were in favor of keeping the mortar, then some time later this poll resulted in a 54% in favor of mortar removal. Of course the crossfire guys can keep making polls on this subject until they obtain the result they desire, and then say that previous polls are no longer valid - and then stop making polls, and they will be able to say that the overwhelming majority of crossfire readers are in favor of mortar removal. But this just has not yet happened, unless you call 54% an overwhelming majority. And what about mg and flamer? Who decided that?
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