Xfire, seriousity and kiddos...

Yesterday, I had a nice conversation with a friend of mine.

We were talking alittle bit about some xfires posts, some arguing we had with some others and xfire related subjects.

It was then it came to me, what I have seen for a long time, and what I wanted to write something about today.

Earlier, xfire was a place to read news about the scene.. rtcw and ET... News about matches, about clans about cups and leagues.. News that was interesting for those who really cared about the scene. Its allso a good place to announce when a clan recruits. My own clan has posted here a few times about recruitments, and it has allways given lots of tryouts..

I like xfire, i think the site is good, its easy to find your way, and there are alot of gamers who actually have interest in the scene and whats going on.

But xfire has developed into something else to. A place where kiddos can shout out all theire frustration and anger.. or maybe they just like to act like they are a bunch of assholes?

When someone writes either journal, news or forum thread, they (atleast many of them) want answers, or wants to inform about things. What do they get back? A bunch of low-lifers who just flame and whine about whatever they can.

When will the xfire users start to grow up? Isnt it time to take a look in the mirror and stop beeing such a retard?

I know u shouldnt take internet to seriouse, that someone thinks getting friends on internet is lame etc.

I am a university student, i have a girl i live together with and I have plenty of friends in real life, and I do both soccer and golf, and skiing in the winter. BUT, i allso like my internet friends. And im not a shamed for that.

I got friends in norway on the net that ive been out with drinking beers, ive got friends in sweden which i will meet in a huge event next year, i got friends in the UK, in germany and in holland.. i got friends all over europe cause of the internet and cause of this game. Many of them I probably would never meet, but still I have lots of fun with them, and appreciate them.

Why is it so hard for some of the users on xfire to understand that many players in the scene would like to have a place like www.xfire.be where u can talk, discuss and read news about the scene, without getting flamed, without getting whined to.. without have to read all the stupid comments from so many users here..

Its time some of you get a fucking grip, and start acting like normal people.. If u are the type who would go to a stranger on the street and tell him/here god damn, u are ugly, or god damn u are fat, or u stink or something.. well, then theres nothing to do.. but if u arent that kinda type, act like this on the net to.. atleast on xfire... thanx.

At the end, i wanna give u some examples of how stupid some comments are on this website:

At the end i could list up hundreds of stupid comments made my readers here on xfire, but i only gonna post the last one i saw.. Dunno if there is anyone that agrees with me, but this kinda comments is just way to stupid.. imo.

Senn asked if anyone could help him with some lost episodes..
---- first answer he got was by [flag-de] Agres8-| : lost suxx,ok?danke

Thanx for reading.. those who did that. im done now!

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