Geforce overlocking

In the aim of higher fps, im willing atm in the process of overclocking my laptop. The graphics were clocked at

Core Clock: 300 MHz
Memory Clock: 550 MHz

As standard (I think, so many variations to this chip) atm ive got them clocked at

Core Clock: 350 MHz
Memory Clock: 650 MHz

Mainly through rivatuner (even tried the razz thing ;P) software overclocks since the bios = LOL bad. Everything stable atm going to try and push it alittle higher. I'm going to experiment with the coolbits registry edit for forceware driver later and see what effect that has. Anyone else had sucess with overclocking ?

EDIT: Seems ok with

Core Clock: 375 MHz
Memory Clock: 676 MHz

but can feel laptop physically getting hotter.

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