HElP :<

This evening I tried to start ET and it suddenly (dunno wtf happened but ok :S) started to pop out when awaiting gamestate and gave a random error.

So ok, I decided to install a new version of ET on my other harddisk. completely fresh ET install, with 2.60 patch and etpro 3.2.5. I just copied my etconfig into my new profiles map in my new etmap

now, its giving ETpro game mismatch error EVERYTIME i tried to start @ awaiting gamestate.

It just managed to start 1 time from now, for some magical reason. And for some reason it loaded the standard config when it did :///

Pls if someone knows whats wrong help :<`

EDIT just found out I can connect with someone else's config and without autoexec :X but wtf :<
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