Frag Movie Whine

Evan got me starting in his journal, so here's my moviewhine for all to see.

Ok ok, I admit Q3 had a ton of personal fragmovies by Mr. "K1ller[PL]", but the mere fact that people suggest boring movies is beyond me.

Btw, Evan, if your reading this, download Fragarea 1 & 2, (haven't seen 2nd one yet), but if the 1st is anything to go by it'll rock. It has almost everything you need... it's 8 minutes long, less than a minute of credits (no stupid 5 page thank you list -.-), has frags from a lot of top clans, a 20 man killing spree by idle, and a lot of of highlights from EuroCup XII and a nice rundown of the final. Got a nice mood creating soundtrack, while I'm not fond of the genre, I do think it creates a really nice atmostphere. Well I'll stop now, make your own conclusions.

Fragarea 1:
Fragarea 2:


QuoteGet Quaked 3

ET movie sucks major fucking ass in comparison, not to mention mostly contain the same frags. All these one-man personal movies get boring to watch, really. It always feels the same, it's very rare I actually see an ET movie which 'WOWZ' me, always the same shit.

A fragmovie shouldn't contain a bunch of frags that happen every day, that just doesn't satisfy. It needs to be something fresh, that makes the viewer go either: WOAH, wowwwwww, OMG, hahaha.

This is why I supported Welcome To ET, yeah, the quality was mediocre, but even in the very short trailer we had, the frags were amazing, clips taken from epic games, brilliant atmosphere through microsyncing. How many times do you see an 8 man kill on one of the most respected ET teams ever? how often do you see a Night-style panzersave on radar?

Not alot, and that's what makes ET movies usually quite boring. [/mini-rant-over]

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