New CoD2 trailer featuring syKotic

syKotic today releases its trailer "SYKED UP" which is produced by our very own syK`phonic9 to give you a teaser of what to expect from the final release of the syKotic CoD2 movie

Players featuring in the movie are:
Billy "phonic9" Collins
Edd "razor" O'Neil
Gaetano "ScoRp" Augello
Chris "Wolv" Bradley
Matt "zaaro" Hayward

some information about the movie:
Length: 37 seconds
Size: 22.9 mb

If you have questions about the trailer you can reach phonic9 here: #syKotic at quakenet

to download the trailer Click here

As a last thing, if you have any grievances or complaints about the way you have been used in the making of this movie please take it up with syKotic`zaaro who will be more than happy to give u a cookie.
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