sweRTCW, soon to be dead?

No way! Just saw this news on sweRTCW and maybe somebody is interested to make that site more active since it's really old-school site.
Quote Quote from celtiC:
So here´s the deal, I have more or less lost my motivation for writing.
Maybe it will return later, I have no idea as for now. And since we don´t have any more active writers to speak about you will most likely not see much more news on this page for a while/for ever.

It have been fun hangning around for a few years.

Cya later.

Source: swertcw
set spawnone "setspawnpt 1; say_team ^2[^x1st Spawnpoint^2]"
set spawntwo "setspawnpt 2; say_team ^2[^x2nd Spawnpoint^2]"
set spawnthree "setspawnpt 3; say_team ^2[^x3rd Spawnpoint^2]"
set spawnfour "setspawnpt 4; say_team ^2[^x4th Spawnpoint^2]"
set spawnfive "setspawnpt 5; say_team ^2[^x5th Spawnpoint^2]"
set spawnzero "setspawnpt 0; say_team ^2[^xDefault Spawnpoint^2]"
bind kp_end "vstr spawnone" //KP_1
bind kp_downarrow "vstr spawntwo" //KP_2
bind kp_pgdn "vstr spawnthree" //KP_3
bind kp_leftarrow "vstr spawnfour" //KP_4
bind kp_rightarrow "vstr spawnfive" //KP_6
bind kp_home "vstr spawnzero" //KP_7

using as notepad lolz
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