public pcs are not really the favorites of pb

If anyone can come up with a cvar/cmd of pb so that people who host a server/have rcon can override it, in order for people who play at public pcs not to get kicked by pb because of inadequete O/S privileges, like me for example, who never use cheats/hacks, but have no other choice but to play ET on a public pc, I WILL be REALLY thankfull. And because I know a server host of a popular pub server very well, he will help me play there at this server, that has pb but kicks me all the time due to inadequete o/s privileges.

I think that if ppl can come up with a cvar to override pb so that it wont kick for inadequete o/s privileges, many people who play ET at public pcs dont have to get kicked all the time, only because they dont have privileges

read this in addition to learn more about my problem
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