Post Examinations...

Alright fellahs... this is basically a thread to sum everything up... I find it interesting seeing what other guys are going to do after recieving their AS and A2 grades today.

My results were "decent" for my AS... but I know for a fact that I could have done much better.

I got a B in English Language, C in Applied ICT and an Unclassified in Psychology... now before you point fingers and say oh you're shit at Psychology... that's bull! Out of the class of 30+, not one got over a C... all fingers point towards the teacher at that point!

Anyway, I'm thinking about resitting the FULL year of Psychology, so studying for my AS next year, when it should be my A2. So next year, I would be studying my Psychology AS, my ICT A2 and English Language A2. At the same time, I would pick up the subject of General studies, just to boost up those all important UCAS points.

The year after, having hopefully passed my A2 in ICT and English, I would be studying my A2 in General Studies and Psychology... at the same time picking up yet again, another subject, which will be decided in due course.

I kinda fucked up my exams this year, worst results I've ever recieved... throughout school ive blogged my way through every exam without any revision or proper studying... I guess now it is time for a reality check.

Anyway, what do you guys plan on doing next year, or in the years ahead?

BTW, congratulations to all of you who passed, and better luck next time to those who are in the same position as me!
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