need help

After nearly one week without ET I wanted to play a gather yesterday evening. When I tried to connect to the sever I couldnt start ET ("ET.exe hat ein Problem festgestellt und muss beendet werden" - I dont know the exactly English translation).

I didnt change anything at my pc, I only installed the last Windows Updates. Before Im going to delete all of them I'd like to know if somebody had the same problem and knows which of the last Updates I have to uninstall.

- Security Update (KB921883) installed 10.08.2006
- Security Update (KB921398) installed 14.08.2006
- Security Update (KB920670) installed 14.08.2006
- Security Update (KB917422) installed 14.08.2006
- Security Update (KB920683) installed 14.08.2006
- Security Update (KB922616) installed 14.08.2006
- Security Update (KB920214) installed 14.08.2006
- Security Update (KB918899) installed 14.08.2006

For more than 50 "format c", "reinstall et", ... comments I have to kill chosen, thx
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