Waste of time

I will tell anyone now who is wanting to go out of their way for the ET community, to simply not bother.

The vocal majority of the people within this community have soured the taste of of this site and this community for me to the point where I am somewhat ashamed that this is the site I own, this is the site I put so much time into.

When I see the canaballism in the Torspo cheating thread I can understand it vaguely, but when it comes down to actually doing something positive and that canabillism rages on throughout attacking those who gain nothing from it, I just wonder why bother?

I did the Crossfire appeal, it raised exactly £510, so I got a sponsor who did waaay more than I could ever have asked for, but it meant decisions had to be made instantly and I get ripped to shreds some on a decision basis which is fine, but then on a personal level also.

Then the lan comes around, the map selection was a mistake on my end on how to run the polls, so I understand the reaction, but the very next day we replace a team because we HAVE to and sheer volume of personal attacks is quite phenomenal.

Crossfire has no money, anything done for this site is currently done via sponsorship. We are a charity case, and when this charity clearly states 19th of August is when we're gonna have to cut things off because this Charity needs money. Thats done not because we dont like people, not because we want other people, but because we need MONEY. Money is what makes lans happen, being told to "burn in hell" because I need the money to make the lan happen really sums up quite how unrewarding this whole project has been.

I tried every possible way to help teams, Delta for example, I still dont have their money but they've given me travel plans and I know its coming, Urtier even sent me a photograph of his bank receipts. Rewind couldnt give us ANYTHING, so for the sake of the fact this lan would not happen without the 330 Euros raised by the two remaining places we opened it up.

Now surely to ANYONES logic who has ever earnt a penny in their life, they can see the simplicit need to make money to make the lan happen. But NO, then the team that takes the place is an issue. You know the fortunate thing about running this lan event is that I certainly have quite a few less friends in this community for any future complications.

It was clearly posted that we'd do first come first served for any drop outs, of course none of you are complaining about this mehtodology within Call of Duty, but thats another story.

Instead of looking at the bigger picture, people have decided to make it personal, according to this week not only will I ruin the community but I should be burning in hell right after I moved my ego out the way so i could get there.

Some people in this community need wake up and smell the roses, after TWO qualifiers we did the community thing, we did the charitable thing but money talks. We need it, we got (some of)it.

Critiscm is one thing, and that I can take and I need, but personal attacks because I need to pay the bills? I look forward to this fiasco ending and I can leave some of the people in this community to rot away.

(PS I know its not 100% or not even 15% but unfortunately its the loud mouths that always get the attention)
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