
Dear readers,

I need to ask you some stuff about the /cheaters command in ETPro mod.

As all of us know, that command has been declined as a "usefull" command. Well, as far as i remember.

I thought it was but once on BiO server, some guy asked why an other has his refs in ETPro cheaters DB. Newbie i am, I asked how he'd know that.he replied by "type /cheaters with the player number". Curious, I tried /cheaters and then /cheaters [player's slot].

Something appeared like a hashed key, after a message like "Reported as cheater in ETPro DB - 2005-04-08" (or close to, can't remember the REAL message given). No, no weed here, just some message like an key ident (similar as hash code) like : AyzHhed3Dfd14cVBc[...] with tons of other "crypted" letters.

I tried to look at google.com/fr but didn't find anything answering my questions which are :

1) Is that list reliable ?
2) In case it is, what does that mean ?
3) Where could this bring those "cheaters"? Ban ?

After some games, I kept trying this command randomly. Some really known and, as I thought, respectable players had the "cheater" status recorded to the ETPro cheaters DB.

So, how should I consider this ? Real cheat ? Bug ? Bullshit ?

I'm not about to hunt the cheaters. Even if I have some bad feeling with such "players", I just want to know how to consider such result.

Go for it, funny posters, but if, even a minority of you, can give me a real answer, I thank you in advance.

Keep in mind I just wonder if this command is reliable or not. i won't give names and stuff only to piss ppl off or be pleasent with some "mess lovers".

Greetz and hf.

yukA \o
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