
Well, the clock in my hotel room was about 4 hours fast so I came down to the lobby really fucking early, even though I thought I was going to miss breakfast :(

This nice bald hotel man was pleased to see me as I asked whats the time :`( I left my phone at home, so no time to return me to normality.

I have to say it is very dark in this country, this could have something to do with the fact its night time, I am yet to investigate!

DSF...what a channel, lots of porn! Admittidly most of the women are ugly, but still. Arni was telling me about this wonderful channel last night prior to leaving, but I had forgotten. After watching the Hong Kong version of CNN (wtf?) I went up one channel and boom theres DSF...

I'm hungry, I'm tired but i cant sleep, and ooh i'm all dressed up to work today but its fucking 4AM. I am not impressed.

Neither was I impressed when some tosser of a cab driver charged me 30 euros for a 10 minute journey, i'll admit his mercedes was immaculate but he can go choke on a cock.

All in all i'm a little disapointed with Germany, at the moment its on a par with Sweden and Denmark as truely average countries, but we'll see whether it improves. Munich airport was nice!


Now ive seen the Chelsea score...oh god this is a bad day
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