IRC trojan c00l

I R retard ircnub. *thud*

Simple version: OOEEH LINK!! CLICK! bingo!

Now i'm not the only one who sends around this bullshit.

Used zillions of scanners. Thought I removed it, then it came back!

And this afternoon, I get this:

[13:48:50] SI|Spiky : is a Asshole I am the coworker of security. I please you all too #sicherheit to visit and it since the largest asshole all times
13:50:15] SI|Spiky : You are Fucking and you are Asshole
[13:53:23] SI|Spiky : I`m Are #Sicherheit and Complaints me nevertheless You Fuck you older you is so ne pig I hates you.

amfg help meeh!

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