(and no, im not drunk... Anymore... Wel maybe a little bit, but i can still type...)

Ouchhhh, my head hurts... Damn tequila's a bitch...
But still cheap, 2,50€ a glass... Hmmm..

So anyways, ill stop about that story, else this journal isn't going anywhere, So here's antother story:

Yesterday i went to THE CLUB [ ] and i had a flirt with a handsome lady and danced a bit with her.. After that we had a chat... Now.. She make's clear to me that she's thirhsty...

The only GODDAMN thing that annoys me, is that she expect's you to pay for her drinks...



And i'm like in my head im like (i sound like a big bad nigger in my head like him image: mr-t)... [in_my_head] NO U BITCH, i ain't gonna buy u a drunk, U BUY ME A DRINK FIRST.. WOMAN HAVE EMANCIPATED RIGHT... YOU BUY ME A GODDAMN DRINK... FOO !!

So i decided not to buy her a drink, and go on and flirt with some other lady's...

Now comes the question... I want your oppinion (not that i care, LOL, but i am journal ownerer, so you WILL REPSOND)..!

Would you buy her a drink...?

Now.. When you awnser, say why you would or would not buy her a drink... The galaxy depens on yiou...

good luck soldier image: mrbean6zz
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