The xfire lan was just awesome, I arrived at 9:00 or so ( i live 20 min away from the destination) And I went home around 16:45, and all I can say is. WOW

It was just awesome, meeting all these new people whom you met on the net but never met inrl, drinking a beer talking a bit getting to know eachother. It was a once in a lifetime experience and I enjoyed it really much.

Special greets to:
Ronner, Blaze, Legacy, christa, darky, maverick, cash, tosspot, ordian, schoft, rsharu, ph4ge and alot more people whom I met and talked to.

Thank you all for this great day and talk to you guys (and girl) later on msn/irc.

Thank you again and ciao people im off to go to my next apointment.
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