#14 ET-Cup: Some changes!

Due to the amoung of Signups we decided to increase the Cup from 16 to 32 Teams if we get the 32 Teams checked-in!

To check-in you have to pm SPU9 on IRC #ET-Cup @ 14.00CET!

But befor checking in check these details:

- All matches will be played with the current Clanbase CFG (only if both teams agree you can use the ESL/Xfire CFG).

- Schedule (if we reach the 32 check-ins):

Maps and Times:
1/16 - SP_Delivery (15.00CET)
1/8 - Braundorf_b4 (16.00CET)
Quarter Finals - Radar (17.00CET)
Semi Finals - sw_Goldrush_te (18.15CET)
3rd Place and Final - Braundorf_b4 + Frostbite (20.00CET and 21.00CET respectively)
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