bakc form teh lan

Hi guys :D

sorry for another CPC journal but I cant resist.

I had a GREAT time ! :D

First, I would like to thank tosspot, cash, unblind, foonr, fusen, adacore and all others who were involved in keeping the tournaments and hardware (and software:<<<<<<) running. To the rest, thanks to u too but I guess we didnt get the time to meet :P

This community rocks :D I liked everyone and it was so nice to meet all these people irl. :D We had great fun saturday night with czar and dmize @ The Room and in the city :D

everyone <333 :D

irl > Ze net

oh and btw, the tournament itself was great too. I played and specced some rly intense and cool matches and imo the admins did a fantastic job to sort it all out. thumbs up

oh btw, i just turned 19, HB rbnt! :D

oh and Team-NL pwned :P

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