bakc form Ronner's House

heh just came home from Rotterdam and it's nice to see so many photos around the site.

I'm sure there will be plenty more to come over the next few days and I really look forward to seeing certain gallerys and recordings.

I feel sorry for those who couldn't attend as they missed out on a great weekend. The LAN was awesome, it's true that the real LAN doesn't start til 8pm.

Massive thanks to Ron for putting up with such a bunch of losers for so long and to everyone who attended.

For those considering xfire LAN 2 ....

- there is no feeling like playing and winning on LAN. I can't explain how much better ET is when you're sitting next to the guys of your team!

- It's all fair. We played ND 2 weeks ago in a practice and we couldn't hit them, then we play them at LAN and give them a great game. Equal computers, equal settings, anyone can give anyone a great game

- Meeting the guys you've wanted to meet for far too long now is great. All the guys (and girl :P) at Ronner's were a pleasure to be around and it's a shame to be on ventrilo again instead of infront of someone.

Fuck it, I could go on for days but don't be a stickinthemud and sit at home waiting for stories and photos on xfire.

Go, be there, be in the stories, be in the photos.

Greets to all the guys who I had the pleasure of meeting; Idle, T&F, dmiZe; everyone!!

Hope to see you before the next LAN =)
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