thanks for the great time

After 4 days being abroad I'm finally back home.

I hope I dont sound too lame and geek with this!
Anyway I want to thank you Everybody who were involved with xfire lan somehow for making it such a good lan, admins, spectators, tgs-guys, players, coaches, shoutcasters, ettv people.

Here's a small list to be a bit more precise:

The whole sFx!

Our squad, the teamchat squad: max aka mr. attitude, xionn aka mr.documents, lettu aka mr. silent, twidi mr. money saver, reload aka mr. positive!

Our managers (evo and guys), our coaches/managers/mental coaches (Ter and Tomfu, thanks for water and support guys!)

acozz (for borrowing my headset and calling me pro rifle)

winghaven (patting my shoulder as saying gg's, being a nice guy)

rbnt (giving praises and being nice)

unblind (the ponytail guy!! such a great guy!)

levi? (still dont know his name for sure, and I hate myself for that. First I thougth that he was nellie, but no. Anyway this guy was working his ass off for the lan, like unblind, nice guys both of them, they deserve some credit!)

licid (helping us out at amsterdam, maybe the most polite guy I'v ever met)

blaze (omfg, you are so cool!)

adacore (coolest admin ever, oh and thanks for the beers:)

tosspot (doing a lot something for the lan, arranging stuff and so on :P )

This list too short for sure, missing a lot of names which doens't come to my mind just now, but dont get offended, I'll remember you as well eventually :)

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